Not even a rainy week could dampen the enthusiasm of our first graders! On Friday, February 7, the Squirrel Class set off on an exciting field trip to the Palo Alto Junior Museum, eager to deepen their scientific knowledge under the welcome sunshine.
During their visit, students explored the concept of viscosity through a hands-on experiment. To test the viscosity of various liquids, they carefully dropped marbles into different containers and timed how long it took for each marble to reach the bottom. Precision was key—students had to start their timers the moment the marble entered the liquid and stop them as soon as it reached the bottom to ensure accurate results.
This engaging experiment not only reinforced scientific concepts, but also helped students develop essential skills such as careful observation, accurate measurement, and attention to detail—skills that will serve them well both in and out of the classroom.
By the time the Squirrel Class returned to school, the sun was shining brightly, matching their excitement and joy from the day’s adventure. After a week of rain, the beautiful weather made their fun and educational experience even more memorable!